What: This is your first introductory lesson in writing Free Form scripts for interactive 3D games.
Time To Complete: 10-20 mins
Goal is to compute a simple 3D floor and land a player with all necessary walk, run, and jump movements
This is the final script
avatar's model is kage;
avatar's size = 1.0;
set ground to ccn/dara/plane;
land on region floor;
start at anywhere;
publish as game1;
Note that program lines are intuitive English phrases with possibly a few math symbols and /../.. paths.
's in the word avatar's is mandatory, without it the Free Form language would not correctly process the sentence.
Go to the Free Form Editor URL .../freeform/construct/editor
Enter your credentials
avatar's model is kage;
Free Form often can be expressed in multiple alternative phrases:
avatar's model = kage;
kage must be looked up from the list of available characters for these lessions.
avatar's model is obviously the model name of the main Character in the game
is the well-known English verb
= mathematical symbol for equality
Make sure each sentence always ends with ";"
";" is called the Delimiter and its job is to indicate the end of a sentence.
avatar's size = 1.0;
avatar' size indicates the size of the main character, assuming size 1.0 is the original size
= mathematical symbol for equality
set ground to ccn/dara/plane;
ground indicates what follows is the name of a collection of regions where the player could land on
ccn/dara/plane identifies the name of the region in the form of a cloud path group/user/id
land on region floor;
region indicates what follows is the name of a region e.g. floor
land entire region where the player must land on, at the very start of the game
start at anywhere;
start in this context is the specification within the region where the player had landed
anywhere specifies random location
anywhere relieves the programmer from computing exact possible locations on a region; otherwise, it is quite an involved task.
publish as game1;
Do not enter any other input after publish sentence!
Press the Red Contruct! button on the lower left of the Free Form Editor.
Do not quit or exit the browser until a message is printed on the Free Form Editor indicating the end of construction.
WEBGL for PC and Mac: https://ccnstudios.itch.io/construct-rpg-webgl
Currently, the WebGL is only available for PC and Mac; it is unavailable on mobile devices due to the discontinuation of full touch input support by Unity! CCN Studios engineers hope to deliver mobile browsers soon.
No matter which OS or Browser, your game will run with similar UI and UX (User Experience)
Ignore Login/Register for this lesson.
Mobile UI might change without notice
W/A/S/D Movements
Space Jump
Hold+Shift Speed up movements